Friday, August 26, 2011

All hands on deck at dawn

Echo & the Bunnymen from 1983. Blindingly obvious in these circumstances. But a lovely track nonetheless.


  1. Nice one...

    Let's not forget Love & Rockets, "Waiting for the Flood"

    - East Villager

  2. good choice -- was gonna post a tom waits blow wind blow, but i was sure there were others that were better, i guess, and this is the one and the love and rockets one

    off to stock up on cupcakes, ramen, and froyos...

  3. Also "Rain" by the Fabulous Four.

  4. "Blindingly obvious". My middle name.

  5. Maybe there's a ghost in my machine but every time you post a video link, I just keep getting that damn Ryan Gosling-breaking-up-a-fight video.

    I thought you were making some kind of ironic - meme statement thing.

    Until I used another browser and see what you really post.


  6. OMG would I like 2 drown in those lips!:D


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