Friday, August 26, 2011


At one of the Duane Reades in Lower Manhattan... via Shawn Chittle. Anyone see signs like this yet in the East Village?


  1. are people buying batteries for the flashlights or their rabbits and magic wands? either way, it's all good...

  2. @Esquared

    I'm buying them for my homemade dirigible ... figure I'll be safe from the flood waters!

    By the way, it's not going to be windy, is it?

  3. My radio is hand cranked so I don't need batteries. It fits, since I'm an old crank as well.

  4. I just got home from the Associated Supermarket on 14th between A and First, and there are long lines. People are stocking up on food. I was also over at Kmart this morning. If you need batteries, go to the third floor. We were all going to the ground level only to be sent to the third floor.

  5. ummm, just curious, but when was the last time the power went out in NYC from a storm???

    I was here for a couple blackouts over the past 2 decades, but none was caused by a hurricane.

    Just sayin.

    But maybe this will stimulate the economy, getting people all hyped up to buy at home depot.

  6. Home Depot is sold out of Flashlights.

  7. just went to Key Food on A and it was a madhouse ... all the water was gone already!

  8. VH McKenzie has a very good point!! I agree.

  9. The 99 cent store on 1st Ave & 5th St is out of batteries, but they have flashlights and candles. I've never seen so many people in there! Rite Aid next door is out of flashlights and most batteries, but still have plenty of AAs...and toilet paper.

  10. Generally, power failures are due to downed power lines. Power lines in the area tend to be underground.

  11. It's pretty common for power to go out during hurricanes even when the lines are underground. With all the wind and water you get one big mess. Everyone should be prepared for that possibility. Let's hope it doesn't happen.

  12. I got flashlights built in to my flip-flops. I'm ready.


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