Friday, August 5, 2011

Nublu has (temporarily) moved — to OUTER SPACE!

A tipster passes along this shot... Nublu has temporarily moved from its current home at 62 Avenue C... The eclectic music club will be at 24 First Avenue for the time being...

Why? Here's Nublu's message to fans on Facebook:

"hey friends, the liquor issue is taking longer than expected so we're packing our bags and moving to a new temporary location (for at least 2 months) at 24 First Avenue btw 1st and 2nd street. The space is cool, low key and fits our vibe, and we're bringing our staff, our bands, our DJs and our spirit to this new location we call NUBLU IN OUTER PLACE. We're going to be open every night starting Wednesday."

Let's home they come back soon... Avenue C is losing its music... Banjo Jim's is gone ... TenEleven is waiting for a liquor license ...

For more on Nublu, read this piece in the Times from June.


  1. What happen with Nublu is across the street is Jehovah's Witness Building

    for 9 years there has been no problem with Nublu and then a few months ago an anonymous neighbor reported that in fact nublu's location was 500 Feet near a church so therefore can't sell liquor

    Although the Jehovah's Witness' have own the building since the mid 60s. I believe they didn't use a place of worship until AFTER Nublu opened. (before it was outreach center)

    the Jehovah Witness did not report Nublu and do not have problem with the club.

    hopefully they will win in court

  2. Thanks for the background, anon.

  3. This is really disappointing. Nublu is a great space and is an amazing part of modern Loisaida history.

    Is there anything neighbors can do to help?

  4. Banjo Jims isn't gone... I was there the other night..

    What do you mean it's gone?

  5. Banjo Jim's had its closing night party Tuesday. It will soon be a bar called The Wayward.


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