Michael, who still lives in the neighborhood, let us know that he now has a website with various galleries of his work. You can find his site here.
As he wrote: "This gallery is fairly eclectic. Between what seemed very brief periods of being gainfully employed, I roamed around the Village taking photos, day and night. If I had to describe the overarching feeling that inhabited me, I would call it nostalgia."
Meanwhile, here are a few of the photos that you'll find...
Like this one of Ray's...
...the Gem Spa...

the East Village Fruit Exchange, Seventh Street and First Avenue circa 1979 ...

Avenue A and St. Mark's Place, circa 1979...

and my favorite... our favorite bar owner circa 1985...

For more EVG posts featuring Michael's photos... you can go here ... and here
Great photos!!Before "artisinal" ice cream there was always Breyer's with the real vanilla bean specks. The photo of Lucy is a classic.
great photos!!!
we have lived on 7th. st forever
back then it was living in a little village
AMAZING PHOTOS! Thanks so much, what a treasure.
Yes!! These are so great!!
Great photos at his site, thanks for posting the link. And I agree with Melanie, classic shot of Lucy!
love this stuff. i hope Michael does some companion "after" photos to go with them.
I like his anecdote about sorting through David Byrne's fan mail. Terrific photos too.
Brilliant! Thanks.
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