Thursday, August 25, 2011

[Updated] Tonight in Tompkins Square Park: Luca Brassi sleeps with the fishes

Tonight marks latest free music-movie nights in Tompkins Square Park. This evening's feature presentation: "The Godfather."

May have to spring for a lawn chair tonight. And some cannoli. (And an umbrella? Stupid rain.)

And upcoming...

Sept. 1 — Stake Land
Sept. 8 — Rosemary's Baby (makeup from last Thursday's washout)

Here's the official website for the summer movies.

Updated 6:20 p.m.
Workers are setting up the screen for tonight... unless the skies open up in the next two hours... the movie is a go, an EPIX person said...


  1. According to the British documentary "The Godfather & The Mob," Lenny Montana, the guy who played Luca Brassi, was a former mob hitman and bodyguard who later became an actor. He died 20 years after The Gofather came out.

  2. Glad to see "Rosemary's Baby" is rescheduled, I may make that one. I need to ask for that night off from work. Looks like the Godfather may sleep with the fishes tonight though, due to the rain.


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