Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Strangers in the night ...

Just noting the first night that the sign is illuminated here on 14th Street between Second Avenue and Third Avenue...


  1. ihop + nyu = match made in heaven

  2. Maybe they can both pass on and go there then.

  3. What a beautiful picture...I'm moved to tears.

  4. @Uncle Waltie

    I was crying when I took it.

  5. the NYUers have been flooding back into the EV like crazy. they're wearing badges around their necks and performing team-building exercises at Astor Place, involving chanting and screaming in unison.

    and they're all rushing to spin the Cube for the first time.

    i dread September when they'll be hopped up on rooty tooty fresh 'n fruities.

  6. NYU has turned the east village into the most obnoxious campus in the world. the sense of entitlement that these brats develop here is simply astounding. THESE are the people who are going to run the world? we're F*CKED. and let's not even talk about sunday mornings when i see those jerkoffs in their stupid shorts and fliplops eating SLIMJIMS stumbling around in a morning stupor wearing t-shirts that say LES> I kid you not.... these people don;t even bother to put on clothes for godssake. they have no shame, they thinnk they won the world, and they are RUINING THE NEIGHBORHOOD. whatever normal tax is for a universtity, NYU shold have to pay ten times that for the cultural genocide they are committing here in NYC.

  7. "They think they won the world" seems like a pretty accurate observation, Glamma.

  8. Not the A-Frame, Blue-Roofed, Swiss Chalet I was dreaming of, but I like it.

  9. Insert name of college or university here has turned Insert name of your neighborhood here into the most obnoxious campus in the world. the sense of entitlement that these brats develop here is simply astounding. THESE are the people who are going to run the world? we're F*CKED. and let's not even talk about sunday mornings when i see those jerkoffs in their stupid shorts and flipflops eating SLIMJIMS stumbling around in a morning stupor wearing t-shirts that say LES> I kid you not.... these people don’t even bother to put on clothes for godssake. they have no shame, they think they won the world, and they are RUINING THE NEIGHBORHOOD. whatever normal tax is for a university, Insert name of college or university here should have to pay ten times that for the cultural genocide they are committing here in Insert name of your neighborhood here

    I’ve changed this post into a template that can be used by anyone that lives in a town or city with a college campus in it. I hope you don't mind.

  10. Their artificially flavored syrup scares me.

  11. Jeremiah @ 9:35AM

    I ran into them at K-Mart. They were all buying those big plastic storage tubs. Oh's to the future intelligentsia. May you enjoy the cool saloons and taverns west of Broadway.


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