Friday, August 19, 2011

The Tompkins Square Park Media Ratstravaganza Part 2 this September?

[Photo by Bobby Williams]

In his Villager column this week, Scoopy has a statement from the Tompkins Square Park & Playgrounds Parents’ Association (TSP3A). The comment reads, in part:

If they do not have an alternative plan, or think what they have done so far, like putting in rat-proof garbage cans and laying down wood chips, is an acceptable alternative, they are mistaken. The Parks Department can rest assured that around mid-September, TSP3A will be inviting the entire New York City media back to our playground, with their cameras in tow, to see how the Parks Department has done. If they have eliminated the rats, it will be a great day for the Parks Department and for our children. But if the situation is largely unchanged, then they will be in for a second round of embarrassment courtesy of every newspaper, television and radio news program, and news blog in the New York City metropolitan area.

Woo! Blogs!

Oh, anyway. Read all the statement (and the rest of Scoopy) here. And! For the record, Bob Arihood coined the termed TSP Ratstravaganza ... we're not sure about the licensing agreement...


  1. It is true Grieve that I did believe in good faith in the beginning that I had "coined" anew word , Ratstravaganza but...

    Later I had some doubts , it was just too obvious , too easy and I Googled the word . There it was with multiple entries on Google . Others had had preceded my use of Ratstravaganza here on NMNL .

  2. Thanks, Bob.

    So, what do you want me to do with the 12 boxes of Ratstravaganza-branded beach umbrellas then?

  3. This TSP3A group sounds very butch and a little scary.

  4. 1. store umbrellas until TSP3A media blitz
    2. sell umbrellas to curious onlookers
    3. ????
    4. profit!

  5. I think it might be time for a pro-rat rally in response to these parents who think they own the park...

  6. These rats are way cuter than I ever thought possible!!

  7. If you want to get rid of the rats then you need to get rid of the people who are leaving food for the rats.

  8. Wonder if the parents ever bring food for their children to eat.

  9. Grieve hate to have you destroy all that stuff . The letters TSP in front of Ratstravaganza make it all a unique phrase that is "TSP Ratstravaganza". that is how I first used the word . Can they just add a few letters on those articles or get a stencil and spray paint maybe .

    I believe that the earlier use of Ratstravaganza was as the name of a Rat Jamboree , tame rats that is .

  10. I think this lady needs to be brought back down to earth and I know just the guy to do it .......

  11. TSP3A sounds like a toxic chemical. No, it's just some self absorbed, power mad guy who has received some short lived validation from the media and wants to leave a horses head in someone's bed.


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