Friday, September 16, 2011

Back by popular demand! (sort of!): More posts that we never got around to posting

As stated last week: Well, I have nearly 1,050 half-started, half-finished, half-assed posts in the EVG hopper. They just weren't working for some reason. Or pointless. (Or more pointless than usual.) So now, in all their glory, here are some of those posts... with, perhaps, an explanation why I never posted them. And, because at least one person encouraged me to do more...

Oops! Deadline passed. Sorry!

I entered this short.

With all the glass and glitz on the Bowery these days, I was happy to see that the new letters at Project Renewal weren't quite aligned... It works.

The not-so-new now mural out back at the Coal Yard... forgot to post!

A little bit of Taradise on Avenue B... Glad that Tara Reid is still getting work.

Oh, right. Random LES streetscene.

A popular job...

May I use a lifeline?

[Bobby Williams]

Yes? No! God, I don't know!

Never did mention Heartbreak Cafe on Second Avenue at Second Street. Heard that people really like it.

Noted, for some reason.

I swear this was R. Crumb sitting under the sidewalk shed at St. Brigid's. Was gonna ask Slum Goddess. But I didn't because the photo was so blurry.

Classic sneaky blogger photo attempt. Pay no attention to the person lurking by the car wheel with a Panasonic Lumix!

My reaction to the story of the Hedge funder who left the ATM slip with a $100 million balance back in June in the Hamptons.

Of course.

Early Sunday morning outside the Flowerbox on Seventh Street... only one resident has the Times delivered?

Not one 2 Coop pool party story all summer.

Oh. Walking by Eastville Gardens on Avenue C, I notice a group of people staring in the gates here at the former community garden. I stop to see what was what. Pervy German tourists on the way to Zum Schenider were pointing and taking photos. I thought I heard the German word for bikini. Bikiniunterteil! People waiting for the M9 were staring too. I never posted because it would have been far more effective if I had a photo of the Germans taking photos. Plus, it seems pervy posting bikini shots.

At the 11th Street flea market.


Of course.


  1. I hear heartbreak has good food, its just such a deathstar looking place I havent brought myself to try it. I used to live nearish Tonic east, I guess Im still scarred.

    I have never seen more than a few tables full at HB though, I wonder how they are doing... Looks like it was a pricey reno...

  2. Tried out Heartbreak a month ago. A mix of Swiss, German and French food. Food and beers were very good, especially the fondue. Service was a bit on the spotty side (very attentive at first but slow later) although the place was 1/3 full. I think it's more of a reflection of the particular server.

    I'd say the ambiance is much more low-key than the exterior and renovation implies.

  3. Whatever happened to EV Lambo? I just checked the Twitter page and no Tweets since mid-August. Did ET drive away in it?

  4. Damn, I could have taken part in that research study!

  5. More bikini babes, fewer discarded toilets. Is what I say.

  6. Grieve--I have been looking for the evlambo and have not see it..any sightings reported??


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