Tuesday, October 18, 2011

New Cooper Union president to be met by song, pleas to save St. Mark's Bookshop

From the EV Grieve inbox...from the Cooper Square Community Development Committee and Businessman’s Association

“A Call to Action! Join us at the Inauguration of Jamshed Bharucha, the incoming President of Cooper Union and Let’s Make our Voices Heard – St. Mark’s Bookshop Must be Saved!”

New York, NY: St. Mark’s Bookshop, one of a few remaining independent bookstores in New York City, is in a state of crisis. It has appealed to their landlord, Cooper Union, to reduce their monthly rent of $20,000 by $5,000 until it is able to recover from the effects of the downturn in the economy. A combination of the difficult economy, the dramatic changes in the publishing industry and the escalating costs of doing business have pushed St. Mark’s Bookshop to the brink. Cooper Union has indicated that it is looking into this matter, but no commitment has yet been made.

On Tuesday, October 18th, at 12 noon, Jamshed Bharucha, will be inaugurated as the new President of Cooper Union. We will be singing and handing out an open letter to invitees as they enter the Great Hall. Let’s raise our voices together in song and ask those in power at Cooper Union to do the right thing and agree to the rent reduction before it’s too late – so that this vital landmark, which serves the diverse community of the Lower East Side, is not forced out of business!

(Sung to the tune of Home on the Range, lyrics by Frances Goldin)

“Oh give me the word
That we long to be heard
That the St. Mark’s Bookshop will be saved.

That you know it’s a gem
With a stroke of your pen
That its’ future’s forever engraved.

It just needs less rent
And if that’s your intent
You will most likely earn
Real High Marks.

If you need help with the music...

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