Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mars Bar finally gets a sidewalk shed

To be honest, we've been expecting the arrival of a sidewalk shed outside the Mars Bar — and the whole stretch of 11-17 Second Avenue destined for demolition — since August... And yesterday, the sidewalk shed finally arrived, as these photos by Bobby Williams show...

As you know, all this will be torn down to make way for a 12-story apartment building. We're curious how soon demolition will actually happen. The arrival of a sidewalk shed doesn't mean the building will fall anytime soon — just look at 51 Astor Place.



  1. Sad to see Mars all covered up. It'll be even sadder when it all comes down.

  2. Hmm. I always thought that word was spelled A-r-t-i-s-a-n-a-l.
    live and learn.


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