Monday, October 10, 2011

Upon further review, there are actually two three-floor-tall IHOP signs on East 14th Street

Last Monday, we took photos of the three-floor high IHOP sign going up on the east side of the IHOPlex... Lordy, we never noticed that one went up on the west side as well...

and now, dueling three-floor IHOP signs...


  1. I'm pretty sure that these signs violate NYC building code. A call to 311 should sort this out, if anyone is interested in making it.

  2. It's gonna be so sweet when they take those signs down on closing day, which I'm willing to bet is coming in under a year. The place is a giant failure.

  3. Fuck why not just re-name the whole thing. "The IHOP Building". I mean as long as we're all fucking each other in the ass and everything. Since we as a people have no shame anymore then no need for modesty or restraint right.

  4. I wish the signs were neon. If anybody is passing by, please mention this to the management, that it would be a much better proposition if it was glowing.


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