Monday, October 10, 2011

The Post discovers 2 Bros. Pizza on St. Mark's Place; and what eatery generates more litter?

Odd little story in the Post yesterday.

Two new $1 pizza joints on St. Mark’s Place are fueling a greasy scourge on the dense East Village street, according to fed-up locals.

Drunken patrons of twin 2 Bros. Pizza places have left a sad trail of paper plates, crusts and soda cans across sidewalks and stoops in the last year, disgusted residents said.

OK. It can be messy out front of the two 2 Bros. So why an odd story? Well, because the first 2 Bros. Pizza opened here in 2008. Not really new. The second 2 Bros. opened a few doors away in January.

And I'd argue that 16 Handles generates more litter ... at least in front of St. Mark's Church in-the-Bowery...

More on this here. ... and here ...


  1. Well, it certainly is disgusting. Either eat inside the restaurant or have the courtesy to dispose of the trash properly.

    - East Villager

  2. The picture says it all. The store is closed!! What are we supposed to do with our trash when the store is closed and we can't use their trash bins? If the city took better care and had trash bins on the street maybe it wouldnt wind up on the floor. Also...funny story because St marks is probably already the most disgusting street in all of manhattan (it's been that way since before 2 bros and 16 handles existed).

  3. 8:34, Is this sarcasm? There are trash cans everywhere. "There is no trash can directly in front of me, therefore I will throw my trash on the ground!" Take your Homer Simpson ass home, please.

    I'm not even touching your ridiculous statement about the "disgusting" quality of St. Marks since your experience with it probably doesn't reach much past 2005.

  4. 8:34am is too early for you? It's called a JOB. Obviously you frequent St marks so I'm surprised you're even up. It's too early to get out there begging for drugs/loose change. Maybe you haven't been there since 2005 but do you expect the street to be lined with flowers and rainbows? The homeless drug addicts sleeping on discarded mattresses and kids skipping school would piss all over it before it lasted an hour!

  5. 9:47, I am 9:15, and I *think* you are talking to me, but your illiterate jibber-jabber makes it hard to tell. I do indeed have a job -- a lovely one that I start at the civilized hour of 10am -- and can pay for my own drugs, but thanks for your concern.

    I really enjoy your attitude of "oh well, St. Marks has homeless people and is dirtier than most streets, so what the hell, I'll just throw my trash on the ground!" You must realize how ridiculous you sound. You also sound like an angry 15-year-old. Get laid, son.

  6. Yeccch. I used to live near these two scourges of pizza and fro-yo and I have to say the 2-bros is worse. Both places cause serious litter problems but the 2-bros attracts a filthier rowdier element. (Some would argue that the empty-headed, fro-yo devouring college-chick /Tammy archetype is worse but hey, that's a whole 'nother discussion)

    If you seriously needed to round up in one place a lot of the scum of the east village, you could do worse than bait them with one dollar pizza slices. 2-bros just happened to make that a business model. For once the Post is not exaggerating--2-bros is a blight upon the street. I pity anyone who has to walk by here on a regular basis. We as a neighborhood, as a city, as a culture can only advance so far as long as there are places like 2-bros.

  7. @Anon 12:22, not a slam, but what's the problem with $1 a slice pizza ? How does that hurt NY ? I think it's a great bargain for a quick snack, and the litter has nothing to do with it. St. Marks was always a destination for cheap & quick snacks. Falafel, DoJo and others. Just because a bunch of self centered narcissistic idiots want to throw their shit all over the street doesn't make $1 pizza the villain. I'd argue that if they're doing such a huge business it IS their responsibility to clean up, and put out appropriate trash bins. Better yet, how about pressuring the city to address these quality of life issues if they really want the EV to be such a tourist mecca.

  8. What pigs these mortals be...

  9. Anon 1:55pm - I'm not going to lie, dollar slices are great, but Two Bros is pretty much the reason Pizzanini closed. Pizzanini tried the dollar slice thing, and it didn't work out with their finances. Soon-thereafter, they closed up shop. Pizzanini changed a lot in the year leading up to their demise (quality diminished), but it was a shame to lose a decent quality pizzeria, because they couldn't keep up with Two Bros and their stank ass dollar slices (I eat them, but only to save cash or if I'm in a rush). Two Bros hurts NY, because it undercuts the actual businesses around it that are trying to make ends meat with quality ingredients that cost more than pre-procesed frozen shit. We gain cheap eats but lose quality.

    Anon 8:34 - there are garbage cans on every street corner in this town and many in between the cross-streets on St Marks. You really don't have an excuse to not throw our your paper plates. If one garbage is full, move on to the next. It's a pretty basic concept that many folks (young and old) seem to be lacking.

  10. This conversation is depressing me. Now I'm starting to remember that I miss the Orchidia. Best damm pizza I ever had.

  11. I didn't love Orchidia's, but I do miss it.

    It's not the city's job to provide trash receptacles for a private enterprise. The landlord, is, however, responsible for keeping those sidewalk clean. If you have a complaint send it to AJ Clarke, 1881 Broadway.

    I live near these places, and when I see people eating pizza and sitting next to anything that resembles a flat surface - although I can think of is: BEDBUGS. Bedbugs have been a scourge on this block for a dozen years at least. Save 1.50 on pizza; spend a coupla grand getting rid of bedbugs. That's thrift.


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