Monday, November 14, 2011

Police are looking for this suspect in an attempted rape yesterday morning

NBC is reporting that police are searching for a man they say attempted to rape a 27-year-old woman in her First Avenue building around 3 a.m. Sunday.

The police released this video of the suspect... via NBC (and NBC makes you watch a 15-second ad first...)


  1. This attempted rape proudly sponsored by _______ - I see this a lot, its very offensive. This is how the Spectacle profits from our degradation.

  2. Commercial seems to have been expunged now from this link. Very good quality video. This guy actually looks a bit familiar to me.

  3. Where on First avenue did this occur?

  4. Thank you for posting this. Do you know where on First Avenue this attack took place? I feel so bad for the woman he attacked. I hope she is holding up okay. She should know we're all keeping our eyes open for this guy. He should be caught soon given the high quality of this video.

  5. Given the direction of traffic, it has to be on the east side of the Avenue. And there are several of those multiple bike racks on the sidewalk between 12th Street and 14th Street. Only a guess.

  6. 202 1st ave (just north of 12th e side of street) I'm sure.. its halfway under construction.. look at the wood panelling in the vestibule

  7. it happened in a building by hearth, at 12th and first. strange how easily it looks like he got in. almost seems like the door wasnt locked?!

  8. Not suprised to see the bicycles behind him. Just another criminal with a bicycle allowed to terrorize the population by the Bloomberg administration.

    Ban these things NOW!

  9. Anon 12:06 - I dislike most cyclists as much as or often more than the next guy but... come on, a woman was nearly raped, and you take this opportunity to grandstand about the (almost assuredly unrelated) bicycles in the background of the photo?

  10. don't feed the trolls.

  11. How did he get in so easily??Did he jam the door??? He looks like a predator.

  12. I know when I enter my building I have to stand by the front door for at least 15 seconds while I wait for it to close. It doesn't just slam shut behind me, which would be preferable. If I didn't wait, anyone could just walk in behind me.


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