Monday, November 14, 2011

RIP John Leeper

John Leeper, who retired this past summer after working 24 years behind the bar at the Grassroots Tavern on St. Mark's Place, has died. Several EV Grieve readers passed along word. We understand that he died of a heart attack during the weekend. We don't know his age, but everyone's best guest is 75 to 80.

John just stopped by the bar last Thursday night, and was his usual self.

On Facebook, Grassroots regular Brian Cogan wrote the following:
John was a consumate storyteller. He WAS Grassroots for those of us early birds who sat and listened to him over a beer. Whether it was about Kansas, opera, or working for the Mob (briefly), John held us in the palm of his hand, before asking if we wanted another. And with him bartending, we always did. RIP John.

We don't have all the details about services. We understand that there will be a service in Brooklyn. He will be buried in a family plot in Kansas.

Previously on EV Grieve:
An end of an era at the Grassroots Tavern


  1. Very sorry to hear this. RIP John. The East Village will miss you enormously. Best wishes to his wife and family.

  2. R.I.P. John Leeper, condolences to his family.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear this. What a loss to the EV. My condolences to his friends and family.

  4. Never send to know for whom the bell tolls...


  5. Jim and I attended your wedding with Patton remember? How niave we were back then. Jas and you made a handsome couple and oh! you loved her so much! Distance kept us all apart for way too long and no doubt life got in the way but rest in peace my dear old friend..... and send an angel to keep watch over Jas in these sad and trying times.
    I will never forget you! Who knows maybe you are giving Jim a pint as I write! Travel well my friend.

  6. Wow! I am John's daughter Jessie & I just found this on almost the one year mark from when he left us. I am SO glad he touched so many lives & I bartend & tell his stories & some of my own behind the bar in Vegas. My goal in life is to be half the person he was! I was the happiest daughter to laugh, cry, & of course srink with the best Dad a girl could hope for!


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