Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sort of honoring the 'birthplace of punk' in Extra Place

Thanks to EV Grieve reader Spike for sending along these photos from Extra Place — the former piss-filled alley behind CBGB ... On Sunday, Spike saw these behind Riff, the newish Steven Tyler clothing design shop or whatever in the former CBGB Gallery space...

... and lord knows what this is next to it ... the birthplace of the cell phone? A celebration of annoying people with yappy dogs?

Meanwhile, as you may have seen in the front window of Riff, a tribute to the Ramones...

And the real thing one day seemingly a long time ago on Extra Place...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Extra Place now officially a Dead End

Meanwhile, Extra Place continues to maintain its proud heritage

Perhaps he just saw Extra Place for the first time in 15 years or so?

Looking at Extra Place


  1. I'd like to get HDM (Handsome Dick Manitboa's) comment on here. I'll send him over.

  2. What the what is that sidewalk art depicting? Is it a sly jibe at the current and future frequenters of the alley?

    I've seen very few instances of new businesses honoring the past of their sites in a way that doesn't pander or seem to cheapen history. Maybe these kinds of places should just be completely reinvented when their time is up.

  3. yeah it looks like its a reference to the complete gutting of any cultural significance the spot once had by big developers.

  4. Speaking of "birth" and "punk"...

    Kindergartens channeling The Ramones



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