Monday, December 5, 2011

Chloë Sevigny shows off her closet, again

We last saw East Village resident Chloe Sevigny's closet in a Times article back on July 1...

Now, in this video from Opening Ceremony that is making the rounds, we get to take a more comprehensive look. Hey, are those the bunny ears from "Gummo"?

At Home with Chloë Sevigny: Part 1 from Opening Ceremony on Vimeo.


  1. What's really scary is the "to be continued" part at the end. How much time do we need to spend seeing this woman's closet?

  2. I'm waiting to see the closet in 3D.

  3. That'd be a good name for a gastropub or a boutique -- Chloe's closet.

    Can't wait when someone makes this into a musical.

  4. @Lux Living: Ha! Are you talking about the woman, the closet or the bunny ears? I think Kei$ha just might be in the mix as well!

  5. I used to like her so much, she'll always be an amazing actor but she's become so fully lamestream fashion industry, Terry Richardson, Opening Ceremony ugh. But then again what can one really ultimately expect from Darien CT.

    The whole "discovered in Washington Square Park by Sassy editors" story is as sus as Lana Turner at Schwab's.


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