Thursday, December 15, 2011

Tompkins Square Bagels open for a test run

Over at 167 Avenue A at 10th Street, Tompkins Square Bagels is inching toward its grand opening... and owner Christopher Pugliese is going for a test run this afternoon...

... and he found some willing test subjects for his bagels...



  1. Too bad I'm not around to try out the samples. They look happy. :)

  2. Cute kids!

    And we're one step closer!

    Congrats Chris!

  3. Cute! Also, smart! Kids rarely turn down free snacks and if your snacks suck, they will tell you! Good to see TSB is kid-approved.

    Ex-marketing gal whose had many children tell her, gleefully, that her clients' products sucked

  4. Can't wait. Nice of them to give out some freebies; also like that they asked Mosaic Man to do the sign. Welcome to the neighborhood!!!

  5. Furiously framing up artwork to hang -- hope to have it all set for the serious grand opening!


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