Thursday, December 15, 2011

People are still throwing away Christmas holiday trees before Christmas Dec. 25

Earlier today, EV Grieve reader Corina spotted this on Sixth Street between Second Avenue and Cooper Square... Although this is very likely not a tree leftover from last Dec. 25, she quickly found a paper to use for authentication purposes... just in case...

Indeed, Europe is still straining world's banks...

Currently, we are in the lab trying to determine the tree's age...



  1. What a waste, Charlie Brown would not have thrown that tree out. Good Grief!

  2. How quickly you lose your credibility. It's x5773, not x5730!!!

  3. to be fair you really have to decide the 2010 discarded xmas tree winner prior to taking entries for 2011, even if they are before xmas 2011.
    would you fly in the face of tradition, something the East Village is not known for?

  4. Haven't you heard? Christmas is over. The Gap for example is done with it. At their stores it is now Valentine's Day. All signs of Christmas have been eradicated.

  5. Actually, it's really all about St. Patrick's Day now. On Saturday, I'm throwing an Almost St. Patrick's Day Party. Will fill the tub with green beer. Christmas is so October.

  6. @ blue glass

    True. This is what happens when the bureaucrats get involved.

  7. Happy 4th of July! Party at Gruber MacDougal's! Hey, EV Grieve, I seem to have lost his address, what is it again?

  8. Christmas? Since that competition began my dreams have been haunted by those damn trees. Take the wretched holiday away.

  9. Nice! But it's no longer spring or summer, so why bother with a newspaper authentication? (Although I guess Gruber can always change the rules AGAIN.)

    If I were the judge, Jeremiah Moss' June 11 find would be the winner on STYLE POINTS alone. Nothing beats a tossed tree, complete with Christmas lights and authenticated with a front page headline and photo of Anthony Weiner.

  10. I think that anyone who uses the WSJ for authentication purposes should be summarily dismissed.

  11. Wishing all of you Dec.25th'ers a Happy Hanukkah!


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