Friday, January 13, 2012

Reader finds lost P.S. 63 student transcripts from the 1920s

A reader tells us that she found two student transcripts (pupil's record) on the ground near P.S. 63 on East Third Street between Avenue A and First Avenue ... they likely fell out of a box the school was either discarding or moving...

Let's take a look. As you can see, one is dated 1926... (student birth date: July 22, 1920)

...the other is from 1924... (student birth date Sept. 17, 1917)

And here is the "physical examination record."

As the reader notes on the one student: "She is apparently not proficient in anything."


  1. ahaha, brilliant!

    the wonderful school librarian at PS 63 has a little collection displayed in the library of artifacts from the early years of the school. i bet she'd love those report cards if the person who found them were willing to donate them!

  2. @ Big Gay Ice Cream Man

    "Anne has no grade point average."

  3. Anne probably took up smoking at 13 and hung out at the Hamilton Fish Pool after school with the bad boys.

  4. Thanks Marjorie! I'm the one that found 'em... I'll try going into the school next week to show her.

  5. Anonymous, email me (follow the link to my web page, or just ask Grieve for my address) for the librarian's email -- with the safety stuff the DoE is making everyone go thru, the security guard won't let you in without an appointment.

    And thank you! That is sweet that you're willing to give up your find.

  6. There goes my belief in the myth of the "permanent record"


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