Saturday, February 11, 2012

Reader report: Police shutter La Zarza Lounge on First Avenue

EV Grieve reader Spike brings word on an NYPD closure last evening at La Zarza Lounge near East 10th Street....

Per the sign taped to the gate: "Illegal sale of alcoholic beverages."


  1. Oh crap! Where am I going to order an $ 1850.00 bottle of Champagne now? Marty Wombacher promised to take me there for my birthday. I always wanted to hang out at an ultra-hip lounge in the EV.

  2. @Uncle Waltie: We'll always have the International! And the Coal Yard!

  3. I tried to meet someone for a quick drink here once and when I walked in, the place was empty, except for a woman sitting at the bar, scowling at the bartender. I asked if I could just sit anywhere and the woman growled that'd be fine as long as I knew I was going to have the worst night of my life. I thought she was kidding.

    He asked me to ignore her and she crawled up on the bar, screaming, "you cheating sonofabitch! motherfuuuuuucker!" Then I noticed the place wasn't completely empty, the horrified/amused busboys were lurking in corners, looking on.

    They kept yelling at each other so I went outside to wait for my friend. A few seconds later the bartender stormed out and I have no idea what happened next because I left.

  4. Heh. Thanks for sharing that, Judy.

  5. Judy sounds like she might perfectly fit in with Marty and me. We could have more than 300 Miller High Lifes----- each.


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