Saturday, March 17, 2012

2:20 p.m., Avenue A, March 17

Photo by Shawn Chittle.


  1. I crossed Houston at 2nd Ave a few minutes ago and witnessed a car accident inadvertently caused by two St. Patrick's Day drunks. The light was green and they could NOT get their drunken asses out of the taxi. People were beeping at them as the cab sat at the green light. Two cars trying to pull around the cab cracked right into each other.

    These drunken college kids are ruining our neighborhoods. Not ONCE did I see a single police officer walking from 14th Street to the LES.

  2. Assholes everywhere

  3. Portly bunch aren't they.

  4. Ken from Ken's KitchenMarch 17, 2012 at 5:25 PM

    Just came back from the Union Square Farmers Market and Trader Joes. Downtown is crawling with these idiots. My wife stopped into Starbucks on the way home to grab me a free mini coffee (they're giving away some new not bitter kind) and saw guys in their late 30s pouring Jameson's into their coffee. We're staying in for the nite now, it's gonna get even uglier out there.

  5. After 17 years in the EV, I am officially announcing defeat.

  6. Doublewide opened early today to serve these morons and a couple of the guys took their beers out to the sidewalk. How did the East Village turn into this? It is so sad.

  7. Shit, I was all settled in for the evening, had some beer and snacks and was going to watch The Grifters for the 79th time on Netflix. I just realized I'm out of cigarettes. I have to go out there. I'd give anything for a portable force-field right about now.

  8. Upper Avenue A this afternoon was swarming with people (zero cops, though) and many had green plastic cups of booze. Semi-clear cups, too -- they were not concealing anything. Since when is this legal? It's not right that people are allowed to get away with this just because they are young and affluent and perceived as harmless. The laws should apply to everyone.

  9. Trying to decide if I should take First, Second or Third Avenue home tonight was the equivalent of playing Russian roulette with a fully loaded gun. Short of the Government infecting ghettos with crack in the '80s, I can't remember the last time I've witnessed a demographic so hell bent on self-destruction than the young, drunk females on the streets tonight. Sadly, it's not just this evening.

    They are drunk on the weekends, they are drunk at Santa-con, they are drunk on any random Tuesday, and, of course, they are drunk on the high holy day of alcoholism known commonly as St. Patrick's Day. They are not simply drinking and having a good time. They are nearly blackout drunk, staggering off the sidewalks and into the gutters - excuse me - bike lanes, screaming at each other and their friends, fighting with their boyfriends, and throwing things at the off duty taxis that don't pick them up.

    I don't know who raised - or didn’t raise - these alcoholic children gone wild but if they are the future of this county, god fucking help us.

  10. And there's nowhere to run or hide if you live in Stuy Town, like I do. The partying by the student asshole neighbors started at noon.

  11. ... and the shitfaced young MEN you see out there are the ones who later tonight will be doing the date raping (hate that term, it's simply rape) as well as the vast majority of the fighting and property destruction.

    They'll soon be taking their rightful places in investment banks, Congress, and the NYPD.

  12. i kinda hate the hordes of green people

  13. Living testimony to the descent of man into primordial and sociopathic douche-blobbery...Give it a few years and they'll be walking on their knuckles from bar to bar.

  14. Don't forget the car victims--the hood of my car was vomited on today, and as I write, someone keeps banging on another, outside my window. Of course, they ignore the New Jersey cars.

  15. @ Sammy

    Tough call. But I'd say today was worse than SantaCon.

  16. I hope every motherfucking member of our esteemed local community board and elected official are being kept wide awake right now by the swarms of assholes in the neighborhood. Thanks for granting every piece of shit who slithers before you a liquor license. A shame on all of you.

  17. Same people who yern for the old days ? Grow old and die.

  18. "LvV said...

    ... and the shitfaced young MEN you see out there are the ones who later tonight will be doing the date raping (hate that term, it's simply rape) as well as the vast majority of the fighting and property destruction.

    They'll soon be taking their rightful places in investment banks, Congress, and the NYPD."

    +1 ain't this the sorry truth.


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