Thursday, March 8, 2012

Happy Holidays from all of us here at EV Grieve!

TWO readers have now asked why we haven't mentioned that the holiday tree is still illuminated in Tompkins Square Park. Given that we discussed this in recent years, why have we been silent? ... Well, this is the latest that the lights have stayed on since we've been doing this site. (For instance, in 2009, someone turned off the lights on Feb. 6.)

Anyway, we didn't want to say anything in hopes that they stayed on until July 4. (Shhh... will be our secret.)

Previously on EV Grieve:
On St. Patrick's Day, a Christmas miracle in Tompkins Square Park

City workers remove holiday lights before Easter comes calling


  1. Back when Ed Koch was mayor he had all the Christmas lights stay up on Park Avenue after the holidays because he thought they looked lovely and nice. Some Assemblyman raised a stink about it and they turned them off. Probably a grandson of Mister Scrooge.

  2. On the 77th day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

  3. @ anon

    Ha. Yes!

    I was afraid to do the math...

  4. Stuy Town still has it's "Winter Wonderland" ice skating rink open. Today, the 8th day of March, it will be 70+ degrees.

  5. I remember when Snack Dragon tacos was just a shed on Avenue B around the corner from where they are now. They used to decorate the shed with "holiday lights" -- nothing to do with Chritmas or anything. I noticed they were gone one day and the girl behind the counter told me the police had forced them to remove as there was a cutoff date after the holidays where businesses could no longer display. I don't know if the story is BS or not, but that's what they told me.

  6. Does Gruber MacDougal have anything to do with this?


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