Sunday, March 18, 2012

How was your St. Patrick's Day?

All in all yesterday was pretty fun. (Too bad St. Patrick's Day doesn't always fall on a Saturday!) In case you missed it, several neighborhood bars had drink specials. And keeping the budget-minded in mind, bars also offered free entertainment and keep-sake souvenirs. It was a little reminiscent of Bourbon Street in New Orleans, except without the humidity and ugly architecture. (If we want to look at old French buildings, we'll simply travel to the country of French and see the real thing.)

Did it get a little loud at times? Sure! But it was St. Patrick's Day! It's fun! Or are you so old that you don't remember what fun is? Anyway, New York City is loud! It always has been. If you don't like it, then move to New Mexico or someplace where it's not loud and be with the other smelly hippies.

All photos by Bobby Williams.


  1. Halloween is no longer the only holiday girls wear "sexy" versions of otherwise normal outfits. Yesterday I saw dozens of chicks wearing "sexy" versions of outfits usually reserved for dead hookers stuffed in dumpsters. Woo-hoo indeed!

  2. What a nightmare. It was like a bunch of tour buses pulled up & said - here's where all the bars are. I don't recall so many drunk people in quite some time. Thank God it's over.

  3. Here in Sty Town I noticed some revelers on the grounds very early in the day but for me on the tenth floor most of the noise was distant. Anyways I spent the day in Brooklyn playing golf and then came home and ordered some delivery. It was a nice day for my girlfriend, our dog and me. I missed most of the nonsense but it is plain to see that the celebration of this holiday has gotten worse since last year. To me St. patrick's is nothing more than an annual reminder of how bad things are in our culture, the youth in particular. Wasted youth.

  4. Ken from Ken's KitchenMarch 18, 2012 at 12:16 PM

    My wife was in a conversation with a relative in her late 70s living in the midwest whose opinions we highly regard. They got around to a conversation about various generations. The relative talked in generalities about previous generations and had positives and negatives to say about each one but not too much good to say about the current crop in their 20s. The words she used to describe them were "homogeneous" and "entitled."

  5. Are they giving Nazi salutes?!?

  6. cute blonde in that first shot.

  7. Let's start a trend where wearing green on St Patricks Days means "I'm an A-hole". That will hopefully put a stop to it.

  8. @Anonymous 1:12 PM: Judging from these pictures the trend has already begun!

  9. Had to leave apartment at around 1pm to take kids to a bday party. We moved into the street whenever a clutch of bros came barreling loudly down the sidewalk (one clot was wearing a variant of the Seussian "Thing 1" and "Thing 2" shirt -- these read Drunk 1 and Drunk 2 all the way up to Drunk 6) but I mistakenly thought we could share the sidewalk with the groups of whoo-girls. Wrong! One elbowed my seven-year-old in the neck and said loudly "CHILDREN SHOULD NOT BE OUTSIDE TODAY." Basically she was right. But screw you, whoo girl. We will still be here when you've married your i-banker and moved to Darien. And he's going to cheat on you.

  10. "OMG like yesterday rilly rilly sucked. First of all like all 55 of us couldn't ride in the same train car on the L train. BTW what's up with there being no trains going to the East Village except for the L like we had to walk everywhere and it tots sucked cause it killed our buzzez and stuff. And even when we tried to catch a cab like they wouldn't pay attention to us, it's like they never even saw us or something. Between the all uppercase street signs and those way confusing cab lights it's like so impossible to get around this place. Even when Josh threw a full trash can at that one cab he still didn't see us. Whatever he was probs just planning a jihad anyway.

    When we finally got to the first spot on the pub crawl like it was way confusing because one guy was like 'Hey Meghan' really loud and then like all the girls turned their head at once and it created a huge breeze that knocked us all over. Anyway, when all 215 of us tried to get a drink at the bar it look us like 35 minutes to get one beer. What's up with that? At the dorm I can suck on the keg whenevs I want. So we all hit the liquor store on the way to the 13th Step. By that point I was sweating so much I took my top off and walked around in just my bra but whatevs it's the East Village right?!

    Then I stepped into something called a bike lane and this stupid mexican ran me over and like I was covered in beans and guac and I smacked him but then I realized it was really crap cause Josh just left a big steamer in the bike lane. What happened to gutters? Whatevs it's the East Village right?!

    So I went to the Duane VS and got some baby wipes so clean myself up but they were out because all of the other girls covered in their own vomit came in first to get clean and by this point I had a raging headache so I just bought aspirin and went to catch up with everyone at the 13th Step.

    Then I ran into these three guys wearing "Blow me I'm Irish" shirts and they took me to an alley and then I did and when I was done I couldn't find my shoe so I hopped to 13th Step and that sucked because everyone was leaving so I took a swig of the Captain Morgan's in my purse and then realized one of the blow me Irish guys robbed me and I had no cash or cell phone and then I couldn't find my friends so I thought I would find a cop to help me but guess what THERE WERE NO COPS ANYWHERE!?!?! I felt so vulnerable in the city! Anyways I thought I'd take a rest so I sat on a stoop and fell asleep and when I woke up there were these dusty kids all peeing on me and I was all like WTF! and they ran back into the park so I found this pay phone that like me smelled like pee and called my mom back in Rhode Island collect and she came and picked me up and this was the worst St. Patrick's Day ever. NYC IS OVER!!!"

  11. Had drinks and dinner on Avenue A on Friday night and it was pretty civilized.No way I'm around on St. Paddy's Day. Too many drunk ass--les from the 'burbs.

  12. I'm wary of any "youth of today" statement, but I teach this age group, and believe me, they represent a definite and noticeable decline from when I first began, not academically so much as in terms of maturity or being interesting. Yes, there's the genuinely well-meaning Occupy people, but they're a distinct minority. THIS is what the majority looks like, unfortunately.

    I don't know why we can't have a "Take back the East Village" action group, without being too NIMBY about it..Coordinated actions to dump buckets of water on their attempt to close bars like the 13th make the EV a generally hostile place for them. But somehow I get the feeling that we would get arrested, not them.

  13. Wow EVGRIEVE, did someone hack in and write that bullshit? Disgusting. I hope those fratty cornballs get the fuck out!

  14. Was out of town yesterday but common tread re the ST Pat’s douche bagging was there were no cops in sight. Where were they? Well, they were down in Zuccotti Park, beating the shit out of OWS protestors for “breaking the law”. It’s Bloomberg’s world and we are rapidly becoming an endangered species in it.

    Like, totally!

  15. @ anon 7:23

    Sorry, poor attempt at humor. I thought I was being really obvious, like "travel to the country of French."

  16. @EV Grieve-Always appreciate a good satire of the classic “If you don't like it, then move to____” line. As I have posted many times, the mantra of the Rube.

  17. i like this "Take Back the EV Action Group" idea. what's the plan?

  18. @EV Grieve: Not a poor attempt at humor at all. Most of us got it, loved the country of French line! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm heading to New Mexico to be with my fellow smelly hippies.

  19. who's park our park now with spring on the way Crusty row will be once again full

  20. st. pat's day is a racist worthless holiday. let's be honest. it's an excuse to ridicule irish, and for police and firemen to get laid and start fights. it's a poor reflection of americans of irish descent that this "holiday" remains in existence. I don;t recall this level of drunkenness on Columbus day.

  21. i intentionally spent the day in northeastern queens and the night in redhook and was extremely horrified when i had to walk home around 2:30 am. WHAT. A SH*TSHOW


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