Sunday, March 18, 2012


Seventh Street and Avenue A. Sums up the day pretty well.

Thanks to EV Grieve reader Chris F. for the photo.


  1. Why protect this douchebag's identity? He wore it in public.

  2. Uhhh why is this guy's face blocked out? Protecting his identity from his own stupidity? Unnecessary, he's out in public.

  3. I demand you show his identity !

  4. I totally disagree w this guy. I heart drunk sluts. I dont even know what I shamrock drunk sluts means, but I dont approve.

  5. We all know it's Greg Kelly.

  6. I'm actually really curious as to how that worked out for him. Really (?)

  7. @Hey19: I'm pretty sure the shamrock means "AM TOO DRUNK TO GET IT UP EVEN WITH."

  8. A shamrock has three leaves. Please delete this person, and his shirt.


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