Sunday, March 4, 2012

Update: Transit worker didn't fall though subway grate in front of the IHOP

On Friday, we quoted news sources that reported "A worker fell through a subway grate on E. 14th Street ... said FDNY officials."

We later linked to a Times City Room article, but obviously didn't read it too closely. According to that piece:

The worker, in his 60s, was on a ladder beneath the grate in front of the IHOP restaurant at 237 East 14th Street, near the Third Avenue stop on the L, about 10:35 a.m., the authorities said.

He was inspecting the grate when he fell from the ladder, said Charles Seaton, a spokesman for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.

The Times noted that the worker was not seriously injured.

Several people said that falling through a subway grate was one of their worst city fears... wanted to put your mind at ease.

[Outside IHOP this morning ... solid grates!]

Anyway, you should be more worried about falling air conditioners.


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