Monday, April 9, 2012

EV Grieve Etc: Mourning Edition

[Saturday afternoon in Tompkins Square Park. Photo by Bobby Williams]

Steve Cannon continues fight for A Gathering of the Tribes (The Villager)

Legacy Russell's "Rite of Rearrangement" (Runnin' Scared)

Q-and-A with City Council member Margaret Chin (The Lo-Down)

Fake Ryan Gosling Easter egg hunt yesterday in the East Village, LES (The Daily Mail)

Popular noodle joint Cocoron opening outpost on Kenmare (BoweryBoogie)

The latest on the Domino Sugar development (The Brooklyn Paper ... via Curbed)

Cha Cha's of Coney Island has relocated (Amusing the Zillion)

10 reasons why you can't — and shouldn't — text in the theater (The Wall Street Journal)

And several people told us about the new trees that workers planted last week next to the Tompkins Square Park Dog Run...



  1. any idea what happened on 9th b/w A and 1st today? about 5 fire trucks and 3 ambulances plus about 4 fire chief trucks, saw one truck with the ladder out and fir fighter taking a stretcher down the street

  2. @ anon

    A reader on the block said that a flowerpot caught on fire on a roof ... and the wind blew around some of the embers...

  3. I was at Coney Island on Saturday night and was saddened to see that the last of the original New York businesses I've seen along the boardwalk since I was a kid (Ruby's Bar + Grill and Paul's Daughter) for the past several decades have been wiped out. Not content with a smaller space to the far left of that desolate strip, Nathan's has taken over the Paul's space and the Ruby's space has a bunch of building permits taped on the front. The jackals couldn't wait a second to feed on the carcasses they helped to create. And everywhere are those fucking signs by Thor Equities, which has been voraciously consuming what little was left of the real Coney Island.

    Fortunately, there is ONE truly New York experience left at Coney Island, located at 1212 Surf Avenue. This land-marked building houses Coney Island USA, which has a museum and a mini-theater that features live performances, from freak shows and real old-time burlesque.

    I ponied up $20 admission for a benefit to rebuild part of the roof that's been infested with some weird wood beetles, but the regular admission price is always lower than that. No matter: it was well worth 20 bucks!!

    As saddened as I was to see 90% of the Coney Island strip I've known all of my life gone forever, replaced by vacant lots and tacky faux-NY style businesses that anyone except tourists can see through in a heart beat, I was gratified that this little time capsule exists and thrives there, staffed by devotees of a vanishing counter-culture that they are keeping alive and thriving!!

    Their web site is: I'm going become a member to show my support and to enjoy more of what they have to offer.

    No shit, folks: If you love REAL New York culture and especially the REAL Coney Island, this is a really special place!!

  4. Ruby's was able to renew their lease under the condition that the do some renovations--according to the article I read that was linked from this blog, so that's all that's happening. They're opening again on Memorial Day, I believe.


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