[This morning in Tompkins Square Park]
Uptick in muggings in East River Park (DNAinfo)
Neighbors angry over short-term stay hotels in StuyTown (Curbed)
Tyra Banks will have an office in the new Lower Eastside Girls Club HQ on Avenue D (The New York Times)
Extras seek role in CBGB biopic (Savannah Morning News)
The City Council's public hearing on NYU's massive proposed Village expansion is Friday, June 29 at 9:30 am (Off the Grid)
The music of Odetta Hartman, daughter of the Two Boots founders (DNAinfo)
The future of the Folsom Street East festival now that new neighbors are uptight (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)
Another look at Gin Palace on Avenue A (Grub Street)
Farewell Sue Simmons (Gothamist)
... and BoweryBoogie has the scoop on the next nightlife venture for the former Provident Loan Society building on Houston and Essex...
As he writes, "the new concept is pretty much everything you might imagine – crowds, $15 cocktails, and bottle service – brought to the Lower East Side by a nightlife player."
East River park is nice and all but no way I'm going through there after the sun goes down. It's way too secluded and dark.
The new renovated sections of the park are great. Now, if we can only get the section past the old NYFD boat station done as well, it has taken forever for that section to be completed. However, too many recent transplants don’t realize that they are not in Kansas anymore, even during the daylight. Running after dark with your I-Pod ear buds plugged is a recipe for disaster. Around 10 years ago, I got caught in the park after dark running home, had to throw a couple of punches on the run to get the fuck of there.
This is a good one. Tyra Banks at The Lower Eastside Girls Club. The end is near for LOISAIDA.
A friend of mine who recently past away, long time East Villager Mary Spink , was on the board of The Girls Club but then pushed off. She didn't like the direction that it was going in, and didn't like the market rate housing. FYI she was humiliated and forced off the board.
For the record:
1)Tyra Banks has been supporting Girls Club leadership programs for many years, as has Rosario Dawson- who will also have an office in our building. They are both strong, feminist role models and wonderful people.
2) Mary Spink was not pushed off the Girls Club board. She was a wonderful asset and had served her full six year term.
3)Unlike most new construction which is 20/80 or 100% market, the apartments above the Girls Club are 50/50 affordable and market. Mary Spink helped us negotiate that deal.
One of the problems with East River Park is in the design--the part most people use, along the water, is completely isolated, fenced in by the (mostly empty) ballfields. Its a good place to mug, by design.
Where does the money go from the rent Tyra and Rosario pay as well as the money from the market rate tenants? Why not 100% affordable housing, isn't that what the community needs?
Rosario Dawson grew up in a squat in the East Village.
"We remember when Pentecost was working with and for right-wing real estate developer shill "Community" Board Three member and later City Council member Antonio Pagàn to facilitate gentrification on the Lower East Side, publicly attacking LES squatters and homesteaders of abandoned buildings that they restored at no expense to NYC taxpayers, accusing them of "stealing housing from the poor."
Crazy Eddie: They opened the new section of the East River Park below the boathouse yesterday--but people had been using it for a few weeks by going through a hole in the fence. The new section is really lovely. I used to hang out in that section years ago because I love the view of the Manhattan & Brooklyn Bridges and the Statue of Liberty.
But yeah, there's no reason to go to any sections of the park after dark. Although, it seems perfectly safe at the crack of dawn. Last year when I had Asian jetlag, I jogged there every morning around 5am and it was fine.
@Glenn 12.35 PM-This is fantastic news, thanks for the update. The most dangerous section of the East River Park, day or night, is the narrow section opposite the Con Ed plant where all demos and ages are mostly clueless in their navigation of this section.
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