Wednesday, June 6, 2012

[Updated] First sign of future construction About the outside of 100 Avenue A

A Davey Drill arrived yesterday near 100 Avenue A at Seventh Street...

[Bobby Williams]

But it apparently has nothing to do with 100 Avenue A as we previously suggested. (Has to do with with Niagara and Black Market.) Our apologies.

It's the first sign of any work activity related to the future of the former East Village Farms, which closed back in February. The city disapproved the first round of plans to renovate the space, including adding a "dwelling unit" and roof garden on the upper floors.

Workers bring in the drill before a construction/demolition job to test water levels and gauge the composition of the soil and stuff beneath the street. (H/t, BoweryBoogie.) This doesn't mean work will be starting tomorrow. But it's on the way.

So! Let's move right into this then.

Meanwhile, as you've probably noticed... the space in front of the former grocery has turned into a makeshift shelter at times... (We first noted this back on April 6.)

[Bobby Williams]

[Bobby Williams]

In recent weeks, it appears an effort has been made to clean up the space.

[Dave on 7th]

As the signs show, Anthony is trying to keep it tidy.

[Dave on 7th]

[Dave on 7th]

On numerous occasions, we've watched the NYPD move people along...

Typically they head to the Park or congregate on the corner of St. Mark's and Avenue A. Or they simply move around the corner...

Previously on EV Grieve:
A little bit of Hollywood on Avenue A

East Village Farms is closing; renovations coming to 100 Avenue A

Inside the abandoned theater at East Village Farms on Avenue A

Reader reports: Village Farms closing Jan. 31; building will be demolished


  1. I haven't seen "D" of late. I hope she is ok..she is the last photo of the woman living on the street around the corner.What is wrong with this picture???Do you dare a guess??Are you afraid of being "homeless" and will do anything to not be..including...???dig yourselves.

  2. Anthony whose sign you picture is a fine fellow. Sweet, nice and intelligent and into cleanliness. That's what that sign says to me. Just sayin.

  3. I'm glad they're making an effort to clean it up. Haven't walked by it in a few weeks, but it was really rough there for a while.

  4. The Uni kids throw up there from binge drinking.

  5. The drill is actually going into the cellar of Niagara & Black Market, which are both *not* in the old theater building.

    The rolldown doors between the grocery awning and Sidewalk are plenty big enough to have let that machine inside the theater if they needed direct access.

  6. Thanks for the clarification, Jeff.

  7. You try living near this mess. Now it's turned into the bums screaming at the top of their lungs at night and threatening to kill each other. D is the worst. Parents are afraid to walk their kids passed them and they throw garbage into the street all the time. I am very compassionate about the homeless needing a place to sleep -- I've lived here for years -- but it's gotten crazy.

  8. I cant wait till they start construction there. That corner has become terrible!

  9. Agree with Anon 1:07. D obviously needs assistance and it's not coming from living on that stretch. There's other trouble there as well, like seeing one of the regulars stand on the street and whip it out in full view of families to take a piss in the street. Saw this twice in the last few weeks. Apologies for not getting a picture of that.

  10. NIMBYS GO HOME. TRY living in the street..better to be pissed off or pissed on..just askin. If you have no compassion you probably will go to hell. As Bob Marley sand.."you think you are living in heaven..but you are really livin (large or small) in HELL. Haa haa brahhaaa woo woo to you.

  11. Sometimes, a bum is just a bum. Just saying.

  12. Such a shame... Can't we hold the new owner accountable? Don't they have any responsibilities here? I hate to admit it, but I also cross the street now whenever i walk have to walk down that block .. and I grew up in the area.

  13. Prefer this crew to the preppy asshole invaders every night of the week.

  14. Tough call but no, the EV Farm tenants are worse. I see the guys whip out their jewels and piss against cars, throw garbage in the street, and scare children.


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