Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Report: Arrest made in East Fifth Street stabbing death

Police have arrested Carl Knox, the career criminal accused of fatally stabbing his girlfriend's nephew during a fight on East Fifth Street on June 9, the Post reports. Capers reportedly was trying to break up a fight between his aunt and Knox.

According to the Post, the NYPD arrested Knox at 1 a.m. Sunday.
The Daily News reported that Knox has been in and out of state prison since 1986. "His rap sheet lists more than 25 arrests, including for such serious charges as rape, assault and criminal possession of a weapon, police said."

The New York Times had more on the incident in an article published on June 15. Capers had a 6-year-old son and was engaged to be married.


  1. RIP..when I passed by a young woman was sitting there and crying...everyone who passed by felt bad. I was speechless..RIP. GOD BLESS. This is tragic. It is hard to know who you are getting involved never knows. People of all eschelons in life wear masks...abuse is rampant...victims are victims. So Sad.

  2. how is a guy like this free with 25 arrests on his record ?

  3. "exterminate all the brutes"

  4. A man with 25 arrests, many for violent crimes, should not be walking the street. And yet, he was released for the umpteenth time, only to claim another victim, this time murdering the poor guy for interrupting the beating of his aunt.
    The criminal justice system has many problems, from top to bottom. In this case it failed us all by letting a violent sociopath out of prison to commit more crimes.

  5. He turned himself in up in the Bronx I think. Read it on Gothamist I think.


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