Friday, July 6, 2012

2 potential sinkholes to watch this summer

You never know when a sinkhole might come along and try to, say, swallow a moving truck.

So. With that in mind.

Two potential sinkholes to keep an eye on...

First Avenue near St. Mark's Place...

... and at the St. Mark's entrance of Tompkins Square Park... a problem in the past...

Remember: If you see something swallowed by a sinkhole, say something.

Photos by Bobby Williams.


  1. I hate those "see something, say something" signs. I like to read them as "see anything, say something". So if you see a bird in a tree or a kid eating ice cream, it is your DUTY as a citizen to say something and REPORT them. Remember it isn't the job of the police to protect the citizens, it is your job to be suspicious.

  2. @Victoria
    Like they said in 30Rock, "if you see anything, say everything".

  3. Don't forget the infamous sink hole on 6th street between 1st and 2nd ave

  4. @ anon

    You mean the Schwimmer place?


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