Monday, July 2, 2012

Reader looking for more information about an accident on Bowery and East Fourth Street

In a post on June 18, a resident noted what he considered dangerous pedestrian crossing signals on the Bowery at East Third Street and East Fourth Street... meanwhile, a reader writes in about a recent accident at the intersection... and he could use your help...

On June 22 — just a few days after the article was written on EV Grieve about the dangerous intersections on the Bowery — I was hit by a truck while I was crossing Bowery at E. 4th; and I was in the crosswalk with a walk signal.

I work as a bartender at Standings on E. 7th and was hit after work late Friday around 3 a.m. There were plenty of people around, but because I was taken away to Bellevue due to the seriousness of my injuries, I didn't get to talk to anybody about what happened.

The police report says that driver's statement is that I "walked into his vehicle," even though I had the walk signal and he was turning left from 4th onto Bowery. If anybody happened to see this accident, could you email me? It'd be such a great help.

Aaron F.

Aaron spent the night at Bellevue with various cuts and bruises. The staples came out of the back of his head on Friday. He says that it was a box truck — a white delivery truck with a flat face. He doesn't recall any writing on the truck. Regardless of the injuries, he's grateful that it wasn't any worse...


  1. sorry i did not see your accident. third avenue has a very short light. two years ago i was hit by an suv on 11th street off 1st avenue by a driver making a left turn. i was in the crosswalk with a green light.
    fortunately we were both going slowly.
    his statement said that i jumped out at him and that i was not at the corner.
    since he and i were going slowly i suffered minor, not too long lasting injuries.
    while no fault sucks, it means that it is not as important that he tell the truth.
    unfortunately attorneys want you to have severe injuries to take your case, and most times you do need an attorney.
    good luck and feel better soon.

  2. That's awful! Thank God he was okay. If another accident happens, please report it to EV Grieve and I will follow up on my initial complaint with DOT (i.e. run them up a flag pole). DOT has already been warned.

  3. I have been living on East 3rd street near here for 30 years and this has always been an issue. The thing is that years ago, there was very little traffic at this intersection, and so one could manage. But now, the Bowery is a major north south thoroughfare, and east 4th and east 3rd streets are major throughways for traffic between the East village and the West Village. For this reason, I only ever cross the Bowery at East 4th street on the south side of 4th, where there is a sliver of a median where one can stop if one does not make the light. Although I can't tell you many times my head has come within millimeters of getting smashed by the side view mirror of a speeding bus or truck...


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