Thursday, August 2, 2012

[Updated] Black Iron Burger remains closed for renovations

Several readers asked us what was going on over at Black Iron Burger on East Fifth Street near Avenue B. It hasn't been open in recent weeks. It closed on July 11 for some summertime renovations ... the original outgoing message said that they'd reopen on July 19.

However, the space is still closed... the outgoing message still says July 19... and we haven't heard any updates on when BIB may reopen...

[Via @zmack]

Updated 8-19 — Black Iron is back open as of this weekend...


  1. Im going to keep on asking this till someone gives a good answer. Why do joints always play this ruse on their way out, the "closed for renovations" fade out? Is it a saving face thing? is it a lease thing? Whats the angle?

    BIB was ok the time or two I ate there, kind of messy, good fries if I recall.

  2. I'm going to assume from the tools that they're actually renovating.

  3. It's my understanding that Black Iron Burger is definitely reopening... just that renovations have taken longer than expected...

  4. I have no doubt they'll reopen, the place is always packed and they have great burgers.

  5. Ugh. On the rare occasion I eat a burger, Black Iron is my go-to place. Please, please come back!

  6. They were hiring an entire staff on craigslist, cooks, bartender, servers, the whole works. That normal for renovations?


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