Wednesday, August 1, 2012

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning edition

[Spotted on the plywood on East Ninth Street... photo by Bobby Williams]

New owner for Downtown Express, The Villager, Gay City News, etc. (Crain's)

The Recyclarium outside P.S. 63 on East Third Street (The New York Times)

Check out Faith47's new mural on East Second Street (The Lo-Down)

The former Hong Kong Supermarket is going to be a lousy looking Marriott Fairfield Inn (BoweryBoogie)

Remembering the wonderful Les Desirs Patisserie in Chelsea (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

A year of plagues at the Chelsea Hotel (Living With Legends)

Google Maps now shows NYC subway service alerts (The Verge)

Old Penn Station was torn down 50 years ago this week (Curbed)

Bike thefts up by 25% in City (Gothamist)

The East River Rats on 1906 (Ephemeral New York)

News release on the 8th Annual Johnny Ramone Tribute at Hollywood Forever Cemetery (MarketWatch)

...and the New York Central Framing Annex has moved from 102 Third Ave. ...

...around the corner to East 12th the New York Central Art Supply Warehouse...

A bar/cafe/restaurant is taking over the former space at 102...

1 comment:

  1. RE: the old Penn Station

    This is probably one of thee most infamous examples of careless urban re-development, and 50 years later it speaks volumes about what's happening in the city today. You'd think a lesson would be learned from what is still regarded by some as a huge mistake. Compare the Penn Station of today with the many archival photos of yesterday and the results are still enraging and heartbreaking. I'm sure many have asked themselves things like "why in the fuck would they want to tear something like that down to build a boring, unesthetically pleasing behemoth" like the Penn Station we have now. The protesters hearts were certainly in the right place when they said in the article that they knew they weren't going to win but they wanted to change the climate. Maybe that's what saved Radio City and Grand Central from the chopping block, but decades later 'the climate' has, unfortunately, only become colder. I'm sure those that support the current de-evolution..I mean..'re-development' of New York have little or no knowledge at all that Penn Station existed in a much grander, dignified form because after all as the old saying goes, 'those that don't know history are bound to repeat it'.


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