Sunday, August 19, 2012

Perhaps this is a subtle hint that tags here are no longer really welcome

The wall here on East Second Street at Avenue C (the side of The Stone) receives its fair share of tagging attention... someone paints the wall... only to be tagged again (familiar story) ...

Anyway, so there's this on the wall now.


  1. Yeah, this would have been a whole lot more powerful if the person who made he sign knew the difference between "your" and "you're." Even fucking David Schwimmer/Ross knows that shit.

    Also, "anyone" is one word and WTF with the random caps? But I'll get off the clock now.

  2. If this was the 80's it might apply.

  3. yo mama jokes may still be circulating in the boondocks where this bro came from, but why did he buy an Ave C building and then complain about grafitti? This is not the upper east side you douche

  4. @ LvV

    I think these are intentional grammatical errors, to highlight the absurdity of a horrible writer calling someone out for having an IQ less than 10.

  5. please keep us updated with the response. that guy is lucky he didnt leave his own number.

  6. this wall is in the east village lower east side nyc, that wall be tagged before the cover paint is dry. if the people let someone paint a nice mural on that wall that would stop the tagging a lot.

  7. Well give the guy his due .. he asked for the tagger's mom's phone number. Someone might take that as a challenge to find out the phone number of whomever wrote that note (building landlord perhaps?) and write it all over the wall. In different colors. With some examples of grammatical errors. OK, I'll get off the clock now.

  8. tourist, it may slow down the tags a bit, not necessarily stop them.

  9. This guy needs to STFU and call Chico to hook that wall up.
    Get with the program dude!

  10. Its all probably true, though. Tagging is like dogs marking territory.


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