Sunday, August 19, 2012

Week in Grieview

[The beauty in Tompkins Square Park this morning]

Vacating 32 Avenue C (Wednesday)

Juice Press opening another East Village location (Monday)


Branding for 51 Astor Place (Thursday)

St. Mark's Bookshop meets crowdfunding goal to help move (Tuesday)

UFOs (Sunday)

What an East Ninth Street parking lot will look like one of these days (Wednesday)

Brick Lane Curry House still planning expansion on Second Avenue (Tuesday)

"Boardwalk Empire" filmed on East Fourth Street (Monday)

315 E. 10th St. now renting (Wednesday)

Fares reopening on Avenue A (Tuesday)

BaoBQ closes on First Avenue (Monday)

Blackbird is now open on Avenue B (Sunday)

NYPD shoots dog on East 14th Street (Monday, warning: graphic image) The dog is in "stable condition (Tuesday)

Gothamist posted the video showing the shooting and the chaotic aftermath. It's a 9-minute video that you can find here.

Here is a 75-second version that shows the shooting... some people have been curious to see the video to help them understand what was happening... please keep in mind that the video is graphic and shows the officer shooting the dog in the first 8 seconds of the start time...


  1. This morning around 7am, we discovered that our little beloved cat fell from the 6th floor onto concrete. She was quite busted up and @ this moment we are not sure that she will make it.

    There were no available taxis. so we flagged a squad car down. The COPS were gallant and sensitive and transported my wife & injured pet to the "open on Sunday Vet @ 15th & 5th... Thanks NYPD

  2. I sorry all you dog lovers but this pit bull mix was going for the kill the cop did the absolute right thing to defend himself. Remember the dog's owner was lying passed out in need of medical attention and he was their priority. Be happy it was not you lying there or in harms way or an attacking dog.

  3. The two officers were assessing the situation, trying to make their way to the guy on the sidewalk— but then the dog turns to snap at the woman and the cop is clearly responding to make his way to that situation, which is when the dog then turns back around to go after the cop. Most cops NEVER shoot their weapon during the course of their entire career. Some people really need to take a breath at some point and be guided by facts and not just emotion. By the way, later in the evening of the day this happened, 4 teens were shot in a park in Brooklyn; no it didn’t happen in the East Village but nevertheless people should get worked-up about incidents like this as much as they do about a dog.

  4. Thank you for posting that video. As difficult as it is to watch and as much of an animal lover as I am and as horrified as I was to read about this shooting, it's understandable that the officer responded this way. It's a very sad tragedy, but I don't know if it could have been avoided.

  5. I think the whole pit bull situation can be summed up with two observations:

    1 - People will look for any reason to vilify police officers, even if they're protecting themselves or other people - which brings me to

    2 - People in this day and age care more about dogs, cats, animals etc. than they do about their fellow human beings. I've heard the guy who was passed out was a crusty; I personally really don't appreciate the crusties stinking up the sidewalks in the summer, but come on - they are people too after all, and deserve medical attention when needed. And police officers are people too, and have the right to defend themselves when faced with imminent injury.

  6. The dog was instictively protecting his owner. The cop was instictively protecting his nuts.


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