Saturday, September 1, 2012

A summer scene

Photo by Shawn Chittle


  1. What a cool photo, where was this taken? That woman is...smokin'! (Sorry, I couldn't help it.)

  2. Oh Marty!

    I think Shawn took it along Avenue A one day this summer...

  3. Timeless. Could be 1972 as easily as 2012. Great pic!

  4. Perfect.

    I'm surprised that the fire escapes are so underutilized as outdoor space. I love sitting outside on mine and reading. I call it my "poor man's balcony".

    - East Villager

  5. By the way, I was once asked by tourists, who were observing a fashion shoot taking place on a fire escape, whether New Yorkers actually used those "stairs" to get to their apartments....

    ...and it was a serious question!

    - East Villager

  6. You guys are the best! Thanks!!!!

  7. Lovely photo and hard to believe it was taken now because she's not looking down at a smartphone.

  8. @ Glenn

    I was thinking the same thing... I was also thinking that I don't see as many people sitting at the window, watching the street below...

  9. Oh, hai. Vous n'auriez pas du feu? Vous voulez peut-etre une autre cigarette?


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