Saturday, September 15, 2012

Fight on the food line

Earlier today on Avenue A outside Tompkins Square Park. Photo by Steven Hirsch. (Follow him on Instagram here.)


  1. Wow. It took me a minute to figure out how many people were in that pile, and which body parts went where.

  2. this is a tiny touch real version of a clip from one of those apocalypse movies.

  3. There was tension on the food bank line on East 11th Street this morning, too. The line usually extends the length of the block, from B to A, by 9am.
    I heard some kind of drama about "holding spaces" in the line -- some big, middle-aged man was shouting at a cluster of older ladies, telling them that holding spaces was "not allowed!!!!"

    I didn't get the impression that he was in charge but he certainly got everybody's attention.

    I think a cold, dark, scrappy winter is coming.........

  4. Do you really know what happened OR are you just guessing??

  5. isn't there something a bit off with putting an old timey instragram finish on a photo like this??

  6. I'm sorry to say that I accidentally deleted two comments for this post... I believe they were both related to He-Man...

  7. it's the economy, stupid!

  8. he-man his name is Michael... I only know this cause i've heard his girl call him this... if you've seen him you've seen her.. she's black.. they're always together.. she's probably just out of the frame of this photo yelling "MICHAEL! DONT DO IT".. they're always walking briskly and muttering back and forth to each other like an old married couple just out of the methadone clinic... got a video of him slapping her by the select bus stop on 14th because she dropped an H&M bag containing whatever

  9. I saw that guy yesterday. I usually don't think twice walking past the food line or the guys by the chess tables but I moved away when I walked by this guy. He was scary looking.

  10. I am always amazed that he can stay that bulky, food line and all...

    But, I have been seeing him for years. And I don't think I have ever seen him once with out showing off his chest... even in winter...

  11. He has a pretty interesting backstory:

    and there are a couple of websites devoted to He-Man sightings.

  12. How quaint. A weekly queued bunch of methodone addicts just paces away from toddlers playing in the TSP playground. Let's keep it real EV!

  13. HA! Somebody fought the beast!

  14. He-Man's an East 23 Street fixture.


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