Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Have you seen this 'pudgy purse snatcher'?

Oh, lordy... the Post has a report this evening that the NYPD is looking for the above woman, who they describe as a "a pudgy purse-snatcher in a white frock" as well as a "long-haired looter."

The woman allegedly took two bags and a cell phone, a wallet, cash and credit cards from Arlene's Grocery on Stanton Street back on Aug. 7.

"Police are asking for the public’s help identifying the 25-year-old suspect."

I do hope that you will take this seriously and not make jokes.


  1. THE NOTORIOUS L.I.B.E.R.A.T.I.O.N.September 5, 2012 at 8:42 PM

    I think her name's Gaga!

  2. She's hardly pudgy. The frock adds some weight.

  3. Glad to know this is of importance to the NYPD. They're my heroes. Le sigh....

  4. i think this is one of those times they are chasing a secret government spy and they put out a cover story.

  5. @anon 10:04 Until it's your purse, ID, credit cards, and cash stolen.

  6. The chub is fake- it's where she stashes all the loot-maybe she should get a job and stop stealing from people who do.

  7. I think she is stealing for 2.


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