Wednesday, September 5, 2012

How does the 9th Precinct fare in handing out quality-of-life summonses?

You may have seen this earlier today over at Gothamist... Last year, the NYPD issued 348,851 "pink slip" summons for a variety of quality-of-life infractions, including open container, public urination and riding a bike on a sidewalk. (And maybe all three at once!)

Now, students at the Columbia School of Journalism complied all these offenses by precinct/neighborhood... you can find the results in The New York World, including a cool interactive map.

How did we fare at the 9th Precinct? The neighborhood didn't even rate in the top of any category. For instance, the 90th Precinct (Williamsburg) issued the most summonses for open container last year with 6,192. The 9th Precinct had 1,626 ... How about public urination? Top: 115th Precinct in Queens with 1,808; 9th Precinct, 224.

Wonder how the 9th Precinct would have faired with summonses for woo?

[The New York World]


  1. Do they ticket UDE (unintended digestive ejection)?

  2. What? Solas isn't on the map???

  3. as a 25 y/o the wooing is pretty annoying for secondary reasons but its clear that most of you long time EVers have never actually lived in a hood if you think frat boys partying in the EV is loud

  4. never actually lived in a hood

    You a bad mofo, anon 3:36.

  5. Anon 3:36 is GANGSTA! Boom!

  6. My fantasy is to have these vocal fry, bar crawling, Santacon, Bro herd, NYU, Master of the Universe, Gossip Girl, Hipsters, etc., have them blindfolded and dropped off at Lillian Ward, Baruch and Jacob Riis Houses around 2 AM on any given night. Then when they start their wooing, screaming, pissing, walking 6 abreast, mindless texting, and vomiting, the usual narcissist and L.A.M.E behavior we will see how many are still at it by 3 AM. Like Yah!

  7. Wait- NYPD actually tickets reckless drivers?!

  8. @ Crazy Eddie, they would be fine. Mostly because the places you name aren't really THAT dangerous and NYPD protect young white people.

  9. @Crazy Eddie - OH YEAH - you nailed it on the head. When do we start "collecting" contestants????

  10. That's it next time you see a pack of drunk 20 year olds wooing it up in the east village please encourage them to woo a bit louder and longer, we need to compete with the Bronx and snatch that noise title.


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