Monday, September 10, 2012

I Coppi is closed for now on East Ninth Street

I Coppi, the pleasant Italian eatery on East Ninth Street, is closed for now... Dave on 7th and William Klayer sent along the news this past weekend...There is a legal document on the door dated Friday... tough to make out, quite frankly...

This part of the court notice looks as if the restaurant owes $37,600 in rent...

The restaurant opened in 1998 ... and we understand that they might be relocating ... A side note, Porchetta/Porsena owner Sara Jenkins was the chef here back in the early days...

Photos by William Klayer.


  1. Oh crap, such a nice place and lovely people, and the most beautiful backyard garden complete with sweet wandering cat ever. But of course it was meant for adults, dinner and quiet conversation, so in the new EV it didn't stand a chance of surviving.

  2. Oh noooooo. I love this place. I only go a few times a year because it is expensive but what great food and atmosphere.

  3. That is really bad news. Had plans for a small dinner party to be held there next Sunday. I loved their ambiance and the garden was a delight on nice days. Another one bites the dust.

  4. So sad.... I will miss seeing Lorella every day. 9th Street has certainly lost a treasure. I fear what will eventually go in that wonderful space.

  5. Awful news! One of my favorite neighborhood restaurants. We had our commitment party in the garden. They were there for so long...I hope her sister's restaurant, Matilda, is doing well. :-(

  6. We miss her terribly here on 9th Street, where Lorella was a long standing good neighbor and I Coppi a favorite eaterie, but Lorella plans to open on Avenue A in the coming months. Here's to that!

  7. I hope you publish the name of the new location on Avenue A

  8. I will need the name of the new location for my next trip to NY. We could not get through on the phone so we took a chance and went there last weekend only to find paper on the windows. :-(


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