Thursday, September 6, 2012

Today in posts about string cheese

A reader passes along this Public Service Announcement from the Associated on Avenue C at East Eighth Street... be mindful if you're buying any Polly-O string mozzarella cheese...

We want to avoid a string cheese incident.


  1. what's wrong with aged string mozzarella? that usually sells at a premium?


  2. I've been suspicious of Associated selling close to expired food for a while now. Which is whatever if they weren't selling everything in their store $4.99 and up. I've bought spoiled chicken (one still had feathers) from them twice, moldy grapes, and numerous times flat soda. Last week all their chicken had stickers of another grocery store on them... and I also find it a little funky that their sliced fruit is dated as August 30th and here is Sept. 6 and it still sitting out. Maybe I should just invest in a Segway and stroll my ass down to Whole Foods

  3. glad you posted this. Every time I go to the supermarket I make sure to check the dates. There's been a couple of times that I've seen expired items on their shelves. I like to go there for the meats always nice and fresh and they sell organic to, but the shelf products, people really need to check them.

  4. I have never had a problem there. It is advisable to always read the's amazing what you might find.

  5. Polly-O String Cheese is neither string nor cheese. Talk amongst yourselves.

  6. heady string cheese incident reference

  7. @ Linda


    Polly-o Plastic tubes?

  8. I was there last week and picked up two items...while walking toward the cash register I realized that BOTH were out dated, one by over a MONTH. WTF.


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