Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What do you think of the new carts at Key Food?

EVG regular Stacie Joy mentioned this to us the other day... we hadn't been in the store in some time... So we looked.

Sporty. Less bulky than the old ones, which you can still find chained up here and there... (The Key folks told us that a Key Foods in Queens "adopted" the older carts.)

Perhaps the newly remodeled store is gearing up to meet the competition of the incoming Union Market on Avenue A and East Houston.


  1. Old carts, new carts, as long as the staff keep giving customers the evil eye and treat them like criminals, they can keep their sad make-over and go out of business.

    Beware of spoiled produce.

    - East Villager

  2. They probably get much better gas mileage.

  3. Pretty smart solution considering the aisles aren't as large as suburban supermarkets.

  4. Veggies wrapped in plastic, poor quality produce of all sorts, high prices for packaged goods, miserable employees doubtless from poor wages and treatment by the owners...this store is a drag all around, only for use when no other reasonable options exist.

  5. I think they're great!

  6. Hey, they got rid of the ex-vampire smell. Beer section is impressive. Produce is my big quibble, particularly berries, which they price too high and let rot and never price in any visible way whatsoever. That and the staff does not seem happy. And I really hate the robot checkouts. I refuse to use 'em. Hire more humans, FFS.

  7. Shopping cart rage victimOctober 16, 2012 at 12:31 PM

    Prices have definitely gone up at Key Food (though they have elsewhere also) but I don't get the part about the horrible employees. The folks who work there, and the managers, have always been courteous and helpful to me; some of them are downright friendly.

    I also avoid the self-checkouts, at Key and everywhere else. I'd use them only if the store would pay me at least a decent hourly wage plus benefits for my time spent scanning and bagging. Then again, I don't use ATMs either.

  8. Oh, yeah, the employees are great. Mostly. Just not happy. Not that they're all playing sad violins or reading the existentialists or listening to Sisters of Mercy or anything like that. They're appropriately attentive and everything. You can just tell.

  9. Wait did the useless Community Board 3 approve this?? Where's the NYU logo? In fact, where is Rosie Mendez? Perfect photo op.

    Lucie Gato

  10. Oh come on... The employees are just typical, born and raised NYers from the neighborhood. They have the typical attitude that most people who comment around this blog site as "authentic" and "real" (and it is). You want cheery "Hello"s and "How are you"s, you're in the wrong neighborhood, city, state, region.
    Note: the vast majority of NYC dwellers are from somewhere else. It's always been that way.

  11. Oh please,it's a freaking supermarket for god sake. Have none of you ever worked a crappy job? It's horrible and tedious and minimum wage with few benefits. Be thankful we still have a few places to buy a package of hamburger buns and ketchup and be extra nice and see what comes back at you.

    I have some fond memories of smoking and making out with the produce guy amongst boxes of lettuce, and being ecstatic when minimum wage went from $2.90 to $3.30 with double time on Sundays. Also my only union job. Took me a long way toward financing an education, not to mention nickel bags and gogo boots. Thank you Waldbaums.

  12. I have never used a shopping cart. All the groceries I buy fit in my hand carrying basket. 'Cause I never know what the hell I feel like eating a day later. Evidently, I'm not a power shopper. But I do have to say, the staff at Met Foods on 2nd Avenue are the most helpful, polite people I have ever, ever met. Kudos to them, and the management that hires them.

  13. The point isn't that they should be ecstatic or pretend to be happy to see you. The point is that they shouldn't be miserable because they're being crapped on. I've worked enough minimum wage jobs to know when people are being crapped on more than a little

  14. Those carts are great- except they get stolen like crazy and turned into people's personal laundry and granny carts. My market got a few of them- Two weeks later all of them were stolen.


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