Friday, November 16, 2012

Movie benefit for MoRUS tomorrow night

From the EV Grieve inbox... there's a movie benefit tomorrow night for the Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space (MoRUS), which suffered damages to its basement on Avenue C during Hurricane Sandy....

Who Bombed Judi Bari? chronicles a great, unsolved mystery: who, on May 24, 1990, tried to assassinate one of the most prominent environmental organizers of her day, Judi Bari. Bari, an environmentalist and member of Earth First!, and her eco-cohort Darryl Cherney were car-bombed in Oakland in 1990 while in the middle of a speaking and concert tour promoting Redwood Summer, a campaign against corporate liquidation logging. Despite receiving dozens of death threats, Bari and Cherney were arrested by the FBI and Oakland Police for the incident. The pair went on to sue the authorities for civil rights violations, winning four million dollars, though not before Bari died of cancer seven years after surviving the crippling bombing.

Producer Darryl Cherney and director Mary Liz Thomson will be in attendance. A Q&A will follow the screening.

MoRUS is currently making repairs and will hold its official grand opening on Saturday, December 8th.

Saturday, November 17 @ 8PM
Quad Cinema
34 W. 13th Street, NYC
Tickets $10, proceeds benefit MoRUS


  1. I opened this post from my feedreader because I thought it was going to be about the other <a href='' target='_blank">RUS</a>'s near and dear to EVillager's hearts. I guess that's "R.O.U.S." though. Carry on.

  2. I charged my cell phone at the museum during the blackout. They're great folks. Definitely worth checking out this screening and supporting them!

  3. Can't wait until this museum opens! Feel bad about the damage from Sandy... did that bomb kill Judi Bari?! She obviously didn't put it there. Who would transfer a bomb under their own seat anyway?? Especially when you have a station wagon. What a set-up!

  4. Just send the money directly to the squatters and the hell with the rest of us rent stabalized shut-ins on Avenue C. They never back us at the community board. They don't care if we get pused out. Their apartments are protected by law.


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