Sunday, November 18, 2012

Support for an elm in Tompkins Square Park

We've been keeping an eye on the elm next to the The Hare Krishna Tree in the center of Tompkins Square Park...

In the days after Sandy passed, Park workers had the area blocked with caution tape... the tape is gone... but a support wire remains...

[Bobby Williams]

Not quite sure what this will do... regardless, glad to see that the tree seems to be holding up OK... Would really hate to lose this one...


  1. The support wire used to be between that tree and the Hare Krishna tree. It was located much higher and probably there to make sure that this tree would not fall of on it's side (as it is growing sideways) . Our friend Sandy must have snapped it off.
    We should find a name for that tree, BTW..The crooked tree ? the sideways tree ? the Hare K friend tree ?

  2. Ah, thanks Roddy... I was thinking Bendy Tree.

  3. There were two supports. One snapped and one remains. That was apparently an excellent example of fail-safe thinking.

  4. Next time I see the Gray lady (I'm sorry I don't yet know her name) in the park I will ask her about the support. Perhaps people are waiting to replace the second support wire?


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