Saturday, December 8, 2012

At the MoRUS chain-cutting ceremony this afternoon

At 3 this afternoon, the Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space (MoRUS) officially opened on Avenue C.... with a ceremony featuring Councilwoman Rosie Mendez and others, including Fly...

Photos by Bobby Williams.



  1. I only just got back from there. The museum is an incredible example of the power of community. I'm very proud to say that one of my photographs is up on the wall, too. Go check it out!

  2. coolest bathroom in the city

  3. That party was incredible last night!! What a great vibe! Do you have any pictures from the rest of the day or any of the performances?

  4. This post and comments give such a boost to what MoRUS is trying to achieve in and for the community. So unlike the NY Times, which seemed to want to paint a picture of failure before the doors even opened officially.


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