Thursday, December 6, 2012

Remembering the Second Avenue Baptist Tabernacle

Yesterday we posted that item on the 1920s marketing brochure for 166 Second Avenue... and our friend Pinhead reminded us about what was at the address before the luxury apartment building — the Second Avenue Baptist Tabernacle, which opened in 1850 ...

As Pinhead wrote at East Village Transitions, the church made way for the new building starting in 1928... (Oh, what the bloggers wrote then! Later, we'll pull a quote from Aristocratic Stuyvesant Grieve, aka AS Grieve.)

[Images via NYPL]

The church's former sanctuary is now the Urban Outfitters. Read the whole post here. (And take a look around while you're there! At East Village Transitions, not Urban Outfitters.)


  1. AS Grieve. Fucking classic. BTW what happened to EVGifs?

  2. Good question, Makeout — I miss those! Maybe I'll try to guilt the people who did those to continue!

  3. I was just recently looking through EVGifs again - still hilarious!

  4. I always wondered about that building and the name over the door. Prior to the Urban outfitters I used to attend the "Theater for the New City" there where I saw "Blue Lips" a dozen times and laughed myself into a frenzy.


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