Monday, December 10, 2012

Report: Citi Bike share back on track for a May debut, probably definitely

[File photo by Shawn Chittle]

Superstorm Sandy added another round of delays to the city's long-delayed Bike Share Program. But! The New York Times reports that at least 5,500 bikes at 293 stations will be ready by May.


  1. Cant wait so now we will have thousands more of these reckless homicial assholes riding recklessly wihout any administrative, civil or paretntal supervision. Why does this city consistently do the stupidest things?

  2. well executed, like everything citibank does.

  3. By "reckless homicidal assholes," you are, I guess, referring to the ones on bikes as opposed to the ones in cars, which you're presumably just fine with. WTF is wrong with you bike haters? People get run over by cars all the time in this town and they die and the cops go "No crime, nothing to be done, move along." And then we build a few bike lanes, which slow the cars which actually kill people (as opposed to bruising them, which is probably the worst that will happen to you if you're hit by a bicycle), and a small but noisy bunch of people lose their shit and act like it's some affront to authentic New Yorkiness because REAL New Yorkers are all about being hit by cars and savor the gritty realness of living in perpetual fear of motorized death? Or something

  4. Hey Bloomberg! Bikes kill more people than soda.

  5. Anon 9:55, please add:
    1.And Dont ride on the fucken sidewalks at breakneck speed
    2.Especially when people are walking ahead of you on crowded sidewalks and dont have a chance to know you are breathing down their necks (on their left and right):

    Anon 12:49, Lat I looked, cars do not do any of that. Love live the Auto, Death to the bicyclists.

  6. "As opposed to bruising them, which is probably the worst that will happen to you if you're hit by a bicycle," I would say to Anonymous that I personally know 3 pedestrians who suffered far worse injuries than just bruising. Met them in physical therapy sessions. I was there after wiping out on my Xootr. Not at all at high speed. I also fell on the sidewalk and injured no one else. Btw unmotorized scooters are legal on the sidewalk as are skateboards as long as the are not being ridden "recklessly" Does Anonymous not realize that being knocked off one's feet can even be fatal. When you factor in all the variables, age, weight and fitness it should be obvious but then haters are oblivious to these facts.


    The bike assholes love yelling. One day someone is gonna just slug them int he head as they pass.

    I watched one of these assholes ride into someone on purpose, yes the walker was where she should not have been, but I watched the biker target her and drive right into her. The ambulance was called, as she did not get up off the sidewalk.

  8. Don't confuse me with facts pleaseDecember 12, 2012 at 9:49 PM

    Just to toss in an actual factual here:

    <a href=">Motor Vehicle Deaths in New York City</a>

    There were nearly 200 pedestrian deaths due to motor vehicles in NYC in 2009 and something like 50 of these pedestrians <b>were on the sidewalk when they were hit</b>.

  9. Call me irresponsibleDecember 12, 2012 at 10:36 PM


    Another victim of HTMLing while dreaming .. that should have looked like this:

    Motor Vehicle Deaths in New York City


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