Monday, December 10, 2012

Report: Cooper Union students end week-long occupation of 8th-floor suite

Per the Free Cooper Union Facebook page:

After seven days in the Peter Cooper Suite, the Students for a Free Cooper Union have left on their own accord, holding a press conference outside the Foundation Building and dancing while Reverend Billy And The Stop Shopping Gospel Choir blesses FREE EDUCATION TO ALL!

The Huffington Post has more on story here. DNAinfo covered the Citywide Student/Faculty Rally on Saturday here. DNAinfo has a report here.

The 11 students also distributed a holiday card...



  1. take your sense of entitlement and go back to you folks in the midwest. Lil'pishers

  2. The poster above has no clue what the student demographics at Cooper Union are. Most of the students are from the NYC area and have working class and/or 1st generation immigrant parents. Over 50% of the engineering students are women.

  3. 10:35 is a paid right wing troll. They are all over the internet these days. They can't mold opinion so they just smear it. Every comment site has the same template language - where everything they say comes back to blaming something on The President and the libs. Its all they got! They just can't get over the fact that they lost WW2, 70 years later...


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