Friday, January 25, 2013

Eyewitness News airing 'No 7-Eleven' segment today

And I imagine the story will be posted online WABC-7 at some point...



  1. Ha. They interviewed me for this story at TSB. I think I blew it because I was half asleep and caught off guard. I wish I had used tougher language . I especially would have liked to have called out Joey Depinto personally since , after all, corporations are people too right ?

  2. OH OH....EVG on multiple tube outlets.....the Post.....all OVAH the 'hood....even the freakin' NYTimes....

    .......I'm smellin' EVG Paywall sooner than later.....

  3. Good! Lets run these clowns out of town and back to Texas!

  4. It's online now:

  5. Look at Lisa Colagrossi with those mad twitter skilz!

  6. @DrBop

    OK.... let's see... I need to charge comments by the word now... 24 words. Double for all caps. So that will be $3.80.

    You may just deposit it in the slot on the lower-lefthand side of the blog. Bills only. Sorry, no change!


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