Sunday, January 6, 2013

UPS Store replacing Atlas Barber School on Third Avenue

Jeremiah Moss first reported that the Atlas Barber School closed on Third Avenue at the end of May... As he noted, the landlord jacked up the rent to $11,000 a month — a little much for a barber shop charging $5 a haircut. (Read his post on the place and its history here.)

And there's now a new tenant for the space... a UPS Store...

Seems like the kind of business that will succeed with a brand-new office building going up a few hundred feet away... Also, a UPS Store closed on Second Avenue in April 2011 for financial reasons, per the sign on the door at the time.



  1. THE NOTORIOUS L.I.B.E.R.A.T.I.O.N.January 6, 2013 at 12:55 PM

    Almost as exciting as a new Staples.

  2. I prefer FedEx, but I'll survive, I guess

  3. Serious that barber sucked ass anyway...

  4. Isn't there already a UPS store or similar venture on Astor Place behind the Starbucks....?


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